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Sporting Judges (Obedience, Tracking & Endurance)

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Name Obedience Other
Mrs JUDY VAN DER VEGT THE ROCK NSW 2655 02 6920 1655 0458 201 655 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Mrs DONNA VIGOR Craigmore SA 5114 0437 191 109 0437 191 109 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Mr MICHAEL VIGOR Lewiston SA 5501 0427 399 320 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Mrs RUTH VISSER WOODCROFT SA 5162 0411 306 320 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Items 1 to 4 of 4

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