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Sporting Judges (Obedience, Tracking & Endurance)

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Name Obedience Other
Mrs ANNE LACY HERBERT Chidlow WA 6556 08 9572 6097 0417 177 872 Rally Endurance
Mrs DEBORAH LAMPRECHT Kurwongbah QLD 4503 07 3886 6452 0409 472 198 TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs MARION LEAVER Deakin ACT 2600 0418 790 192 TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs NICOLE LEYDEN Warner QLD 4500 0421 810 904 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Mrs HELEN LOFTHOUSE KING SCRUB QLD 4521 07 5483 5266 0417 712 699 TrackingTrack & Search
Ms PATRICIA LOOKER West Wodonga VIC 3690 0409 041 951 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Mrs CHRISTINA LOWE WATTLE HILL TAS 7172 03 6265 1158 040 797 0220 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogRally Endurance
Ms JUDE LOWE WODONGA VIC 3690 0411 560 113 Tracking
Ms TULL LUTTRELL OATLANDS TAS 7120 042 812 3864 Endurance
Ms NECIA LYNCH Koroit VIC 3282 0418 632 425 TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs JULIE LYON Lewiston SA 5501 0450 120 131 Rally
Items 1 to 11 of 11

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