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Sporting Judges (Obedience, Tracking & Endurance)

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Name Obedience Other
Ms KATRINA SANTAS Hervey Bay QLD 4655 0403 257 072 Endurance
Miss LAURA SCHIMKE Boronia Heights QLD 4124 07 3806 8119 0411 634 277 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Ms DEBBIE SCHMIDT Garbutt QLD 4814 0417 708 961 0417 708 961 TrackingTrack & Search
Mr SID SCHUCK CIVIC SQUARE NSW 2608 0466 110 735 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Mr JOHN SCHULZ Ringwood North VIC 3134 9876 3214 Endurance
Ms TANIA SCHUMANN VIC 03 9484 3802 Rally
Mr JOHN SCOTT Somerville VIC 3912 03 5978 0046 0408 123 080 Tracking
Mr DAVID SCRIMSHAW BRIGHTON TAS 7030 03 6268 6296 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Tracking
Miss ROSEMARY SEHL Glenlee QLD 4711 0475 402 929 TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs DAPHNE SELLWOOD Dayboro QLD 4521 07 3425 3324 0458 036 938 Rally
Mrs SHARON SEMPEL Pakenham VIC 3810 0419411878 Rally
Miss NAOMI SHAW NORMAN GARDENS QLD 4701 07 4914 0812 0424 825 465 Rally
Mrs LISA SINCLAIR Berwick VIC 3806 0422 033 595 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Mr PAUL SKEWES Ellenbrook WA 6069 0419 942 282 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Ms REBECCA SLOAN Narre Warren North VIC 3804 03 9700 0303 0417 529 689 Endurance
Mrs SUE M SMITH Northam WA 6401 08 9574 1231 0409 574 123 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Mr ROY SMITH Westfield WA 6111 08 9390 5403 0433 295 018 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Miss DEBBIE SMITH CONDOR ACT 2906 0413118077 Endurance
Miss MEEGAN SMITH MUNDIJONG WA 6123 0488 289 856 Rally
Mr KEVIN SPEED CLAREMONT MEADOWS NSW 2747 02 4573 6060 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally TrackingTrack & Search
Mr JOHN SPITERI GLENBROOK NSW 2773 02 4739 1419 0418 228 509 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Mrs JESSICA STAINLAY GRAFTON NSW 2460 02 6643 3863 0417 646 212 Tracking
Ms LYNNE STAPYLTON Bibaringa SA 5118 08 8523 2182 0400 232 973 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Miss JOAN STEWART CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 02 9634 4753 0421 016 168 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Mr DESMOND STRONG Burpengary QLD 4505 07 3888 7599 0405 103 942 Rally Tracking
Mr MICHAEL STUART Frankston VIC 3199 0407 887 553 Endurance
Mrs DOROTHY STUTZ Cashmere QLD 4500 0410 638 212 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent
Items 1 to 27 of 27

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