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Sporting Judges (Obedience, Tracking & Endurance)

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Name Obedience Other
Mrs LESLEY AFFLECK Upper Caboolture QLD 4510 07 5497 0674 0419 862 773 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogRally Track & Search
Ms DEIDREE ANDERSON RYDALMERE NSW 2116 02 9613 8401 0409 908 665 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Miss KAYE ARKINS MT RIVERVIEW NSW 2774 02 4739 6649 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Mr RAY ASHMAN Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029 9749 5279 0401 672 164 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance Tracking
Mr JASON ATTRIDGE Caboolture QLD 4510 07 5428 3420 0419 644 421 Endurance
Mrs K DAWN AYTON Pakenham VIC 3810 0408 375 526 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Items 1 to 6 of 6

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