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Sporting Judges (Obedience, Tracking & Endurance)

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Name Obedience Other
Mrs NADIA BADGER WILTON NSW 2571 02 4677 2266 0402 007 192 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Ms SARAH BAKER OAKBANK SA 5243 0417 773 095 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Miss MERRAE BALAAM Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 0409 354 014 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent
Mrs SHARON BAMFORD Charlwood QLD 4309 0409 273 526 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Mr GEORGE BARTOLO OAM FARMBOROUGH HEIGHTS NSW 2526 02 4271 1181 0419 635 077 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent
Ms JAN BECQUET LANITZA NSW 2460 02 6649 3087 0438853656 Tracking
Mrs CHERYL BEDGGOOD Huntingdale WA 6110 08 9490 6637 0419 938 972 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Mrs CASSANDRA BEECHAM NARANGBA QLD 4504 0419 689 525 Rally
Ms THIERRY BENNANI CLOVELLY NSW 2031 0416 448 708 Obedience - Community Companion Dog
Mr BRUCE BERRY Esk QLD 4312 07 5497 0767 0437 446 961 TrackingTrack & Search
Mr GLENN BEST Whitfield QLD 4870 07 4053 5786 0409 153 735 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent Endurance
Mr JAKE BLIGHT KINGSTON NSW 2604 0427 433 961 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog Endurance TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs VALERIE BONNEY The Gap QLD 4061 07 3300 2959 0417 631 246 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent
Dr ANN BOYD SAMFORD QLD 4520 0432 392 726 Track & Search
Mrs JAN BRABHAM Parkholme SA 5043 08 8276 4025 0411 037 435 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally Endurance
Dr REBECCA BRAID BALGOWLAH NSW 2093 0409 959 716 Obedience - Community Companion Dog
Mrs LYN BRAND MARAYLYA NSW 2765 02 4573 6203 0418 242 956 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Mr ANTHONY BRENNAN Craigmore SA 5114 0405 165 575 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog ExcellentRally
Ms GAIL BRINDLEY Southern River WA 6110 0417 955 361 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogObedience - Utility Dog Excellent
Dr JULIE BROWN Myrtle Bank SA 5064 08 8338 4405 0422 251 844 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open DogObedience - Utility DogRally
Mrs CAROLE BRYANT GRAFTON NSW 2460 02 66449326 0428449326 Endurance Tracking
Ms ELIZABETH BUCHANAN Samford QLD 4520 0419 919 820 TrackingTrack & Search
Ms DAWN BUCHANAN SOUTHERN RIVER WA 6110 0423 625 625 Rally
Ms ROZ BUCKLEY Traralgon VIC 3844 0404 565 255 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice DogObedience - Open Dog
Mrs KERRYN BUCKLEY TATURA VIC 3616 0422 823 403 TrackingTrack & Search
Mrs ANNE BUTLER QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 02 6236 3154 0428 363 154 Obedience - Community Companion DogObedience - Novice Dog
Miss AMY BUTLER DOVETON VIC 3177 0411 986 705 Rally
Items 1 to 27 of 27

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